
The word television comes from Ancient Greek τῆλε (tèle), meaning 'far', and Latin visio, meaning 'sight'. Television has played a pivotal role in the socialization of the 20th and 21st centuries. Several studies have found that educational television has many advantages. The article "The Good Things about Television" argues that television can be a very powerful and effective learning tool for children if used wisely.

Virtual Learning Experience

A virtual learning experience, or virtual field trip, is a simulated, real-time field trip. In the case of interactive video conferencing, "students interact, in a live event, with a remotely located field trip host" (Cole, Ray, Zanetis 2004).

Explore EarthEcho’s Virtual Career Connections

Join EarthEcho International as we highlight relatable voices and exciting life experiences to make careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) come alive! EarthEcho strives to connect students to STEM professionals to serve as positive role models and inspiration to the next generation of STEMExplorers. STEMExplore Virtual Career Connections showcase diverse, female professionals in STEM careers during dynamic, 45-minute live virtual events. Join us for the 2020 STEMExplore Virtual Career Connections. Register for upcoming events to be part of the conversation! 

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Virtual Career Connections